How Many Rakats is:

You'll never have to ask again, thanks to our simple salah table!

In Islam, there are five daily prayers known as Salah. Each prayer consists of a specific number of units called Rakats. The table below provides the number of Rakats for each prayer, including Sunnah (recommended), Fardh (obligatory), Nafl (optional), and Witr (odd-numbered) Rakats. Sunnah Muakkada (emphasized) and Witr are marked according to the legend below. Please note that the number of Rakats may vary slightly based on different schools of thought within Islam.

Prayer Sunnah Fardh Sunnah Nafl Witr Total Rakats
Fajr 2 2 0 0 0 4
Dhuhr 4 4 2 2 0 12
Asr 4 4 0 0 0 8
Maghrib 0 3 2 2 0 7
Isha 4 4 2 2 3 17
Special Prayers
Jumuah 4 2 4 + 2 2 0 14
Eid 0 0 0 0 2 2
Janazah 0 0 0 0 0 4
  • Muakada
  • Witr

Note: Upon entering the mosque, you can optionally pray 2 rakats Tahiyyat al-Masjid.

Understanding Rakats:

Rakats are an integral part of the five daily Salah. Here's a breakdown of the different types of Rakats:

  • Sunnah Rakats: Voluntary prayers performed before or after obligatory prayers
  • Fardh Rakats: Obligatory prayers that are essential components of the five daily prayers
  • Nafl Rakats (Optional): Additional voluntary prayers that can be performed to earn extra rewards
  • Witr Rakats (Only for Isha): Odd-numbered prayers performed after the Isha prayer, usually 3 rakats
  • Total Rakats: The sum of all rakats for each prayer, including Sunnah, Fardh, Nafl, and Witr (if applicable)


Muakada refers to the recommended or emphasized voluntary prayers that can be performed before or after the obligatory prayers. These prayers are not obligatory but are highly recommended and hold great reward in the sight of Allah.


Witr is a special type of prayer performed after the Isha prayer. It is an odd-numbered prayer and is usually performed as 3 rakats. Witr is considered as a highly recommended prayer and is considered as the last prayer of the night.